At the last minute, Stephen Sandknop hopped into the car with me and we had fun visiting along the way. We spent time in Baker City and then a week in Hermiston with my parents and I'm so glad we did that! Then we headed to Portland and Stephen wanted to stay there so I helped him get set up and then I drove away. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done and now I wonder what I was thinking. At some point I'll write about that trip in more detail, but for now, it's time to go again.
My hair is white now and Stephen is ashes but I still have the same car and the time and energy for another adventure. I leave tomorrow, the car is almost packed and everything is as ready as it's going to be. Mexico, here we come! Twelve year old Rocky the cat will be in the passenger seat this time and it remains to be seen how he handles a 2200 mile road trip. I'll be posting from the road daily so watch for the updates --- I may or may not have photos to share.
Thanks for taking this adventure with me!
Found you... Some days it takes so much effort to do anything on the computer and some days I can't get away from it.